BOOK LAUNCH | Pluriverse of peace in Tolima: systematisation of a transformative action research
17th February 2022
Thursday 17th February | 2 – 3pm
Despite the wide range of research on the armed conflict and peacebuilding in Colombia, little is said about the potential role of research as an engine of change in the transition from war to peace when conducted with actors that are part of the conflict dynamics. This book offers this perspective. It systematizes the experience of the “School, Territory and Post-Conflict: Building Local Peace Culture in Southern Tolima, Colombia” project, working with eight women, youth, farming and environmental community organizations from Southern Tolima to document their local peacebuilding initiatives amid the armed conflict. This action research project took place between September 2018 and June 2021 as part of a 2017 joint call between UKRI (NewtonFund) of the United Kingdom and the Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MinCiencias) for high quality, transformative and competitive collaborative research projects to help consolidate peacebuilding in Colombia. The book brings together the theory, methods and outcomes of the research process in a very accessible format, in the hope that it can be of inspiration to a wide range of readers interested in consolidating local peacebuilding initiatives in other parts of the world. But most significantly, it takes up the challenge of demonstrating what a decolonial knowledge production journey in peacebuilding studies looks like in practice.
The recording of this event can be found here.