Just Scapes

2020 – 2023

Project status: Current

Funded by: JPI Climate – Solstice funding stream

In Just Scapes, we’re looking at what we call “just transformations” in rural Europe. We’re interested in how the effects of climate change are distributed, and also how policy responses to climate change could affect people living and working in rural landscapes.

Some Europeans view climate policies as socially regressive, and disproportionately impacting on low-income and rural households. (The Gilets Jaunes movement in France, or recent protests about deer management in Scotland, are good examples. We’re seeing more and more evidence of these justice barriers across Europe – and it’s precisely these tensions that we hope to investigate in Just Scapes.

We’re particularly interested in finding ways to think together with local stakeholders about how their landscapes can be transformed in ways that are just and fair. We’re focusing on three case studies: in the Czech Republic, France and Scotland.

Just Scapes uses interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary methods (geography, psychology, political science, futures studies and creative writing).


Photo by Glen Affric © Trees for Life.

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