UK China Knowledge Sharing and Mutual Learning Platform

2016 - Ongoing

Project status: Current

Funded by: FCO (Prosperity Fund) and Defra

The purpose of the Platform is to support the overall cooperation between UK and China to improve the sustainability of agriculture and the food chain through greater knowledge sharing and mutual learning. The Platform is expected to have the following functions:

(i) Providing a knowledge hub (resource centre);

(ii) Supporting knowledge sharing and networking between researchers, practitioners and policy makers and developing effective links between those who create and those who use knowledge;

(iii) Facilitating the cross-border and cross-disciplinary mutual learning and dialogue;

(iv) A mechanism for long term engagement between research and research users in the UK and China

The Knowledge hub hosts and store the relevant documents/information on the agriculture-food-environment system in the UK and China, such as policy/regulation framework, directory of organisations, UK-China links in policy, academic and business sectors, best practices in policy, technology, and business and trade

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