Understanding the gendered impact of land reformation on resilience: Evidence from southwest Bangladesh

29th May 2024

Jahin Sakkhar


Limited ownership, access, and control over resources, particularly land, jeopardizes women’s position within the household and society and thus increases their vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. Women’s land ownership is seen in both policy and research as an important tool for poverty reduction, wellbeing, empowerment and agricultural efficiency. However, there is a scarcity of studies exploring the relationship between land, women and resilience. In Bangladesh, the land reform program targets women (either with abled son or with husband) for the distribution of state-owned land. This study aims to understand how the transfer of Khasland (State-owned land) to women contributes to building their resilience against climate change. By developing a resilience framework that addresses issues of agency, adaptive capacity, and transformation, this mixed methods study aims to fill the gap in understanding the intersection of land ownership, gender dynamics, and climate resilience among women in Bangladesh.